Be honest: how often does your social media scrolling lead to shopping? And how many of those things that TikTok made you buy did you actually need? Enter de-influencing, the TikTok trend flipping1 in
As the influencer market grows up, investment in its stars is beginning to evaporate. 随着网红市场逐渐成熟,大牌“种草”网红所获投资却开始缩减。 If you make your living telling other people what to buy online, “de-influencing” m
These days, it’s hard to escape the clutches of influencer culture that in many ways defines our digital landscape. Over on TikTok, there are even now tutorials on how to become an influencer. 如今,人们很
Right now, I have three different insulated water bottles sitting on my desk. My makeup station is so cluttered it would take me a good three minutes just to find my mascara. My closet is full of clot
In early 2023, scrolling on social media meant being bombarded with any number of ring-lit influencers trying to convince you to buy something you most probably don’t need with money you would probabl
Sometimes, rebellion means goji berries in your beer. 有时,叛逆就是在啤酒里加枸杞。 Goji berries in beer. Chinese medicinal herbs infused in coffee. Staying up all night, but eating a bowl of bird’s nest soup to
A friend of mine found himself the other day on the platform of a country station in the south of Scotland near the sea-coast. A middle-aged couple were the only people visible, and they sat together
At a time when anxieties about body image are rife1, the idealisation of skinniness is too dangerous to leave to the whims of the fashion industry. 在人们普遍为身体形象焦虑的时代,将骨感奉为理想形象危害太大,绝不能任由时尚界心血来潮。 Report
Have you ever looked at a beautiful little mews house1 in London and thought “it must be so amazing to live there?” If so, you’re not the only one. But for the people who actually do live in those hom
Fear of lawsuits might intimidate doctors and cause them to avoid going against artificial intelligence recommendations for treatment, even if their judgment tells them to do so. 出于对官司的恐惧,医生可能被迫接受人工智
When I picked up my 15-year-old daughter from an event recently, I overheard her, as she said goodbye to someone she’d just met, ask them: “Hey, what’s your Snap handle1?” 最近,我去接参加完一场活动的15岁女儿,碰巧听到她和刚
Gustav Klimt (1862–1918) was a 19th century Symbolist painter from Austria who became a leading light in the Vienna Secession movement and became famous for his bold use of color, decorative patterns,
Every New Year’s Eve, after the champagne has been popped, the ball has dropped2, and everyone is feeling very merry indeed, revelers queue up the same song they’ve been queuing up for decades. You kn
Growing up in Orange County, California, near Disneyland and Knott’s Berry Farm, Taylor Jeffs visited some of the world’s best theme parks on a regular basis. 泰勒·杰夫斯在加利福尼亚州奥兰治县长大,那里离迪士尼乐园和诺氏百乐坊乐园很近,所
One of my friends was struggling to conceive a baby. After three years of marriage, she became a mother of an adorable baby boy. From the day she knew she was pregnant, she was too cautious. She did e
For years, German submarines U-19, U-20, and U-23 were a terrifying presence beneath the waves, preying on British and Russian shipping. Then, they suddenly vanished to the bottom of the Black Sea. 德
The Brits formalized the game known globally as football—but its roots date back to ancient China and Mesoamerica. 足球这项全球知名的运动,其比赛规则是由英国人正式确立下来的,但其根源可追溯至古代中国与中美洲。 Soccer is by far the world’s most po
I began my professional career as an estate-planning attorney, who worked with the super wealthy and helped them plan for their death while avoiding paying as many taxes as possible. Death and taxes a
I will never forget the thrill of discovering that place. A huge clearing unfolded before my eyes, so vast that it revealed the undulating forms of the mountain beneath; a row of trees stretched into
上一期,我们讲完了“物质世界”类的希腊词根,总共介绍了15个。依照惯例,温故知新,先来重点复习一下: (1) -ge-(地;地球)【geometry(几何;几何学),apogee(远地点)】 (2) -heli-(日;太阳)【heliocentric(日心的;以太阳为中心的),perihelion(近日点)】 (3) selen-(月;月球)【selenography(月理学;月面学)】
表示“群”的量词英译时须注意搭配,不能一概都用group。有些动物天生就不合“群”(group)。 电影《智取威虎山》中,杨子荣被带进山寨见座山雕的第一句话“西北玄天一朵云,乌鸦落进了凤凰群”,后半句的字幕翻译为a crow in a flock of phoenix。这里的flock就表示“鸟群”,此处还可以表示“羊群”。 正如胡适所言:狮子老虎永远是独来独往的,只有狐狸和狗才成群结队。1
After he was settled in his chair, stirring his coffee in a big cup, Mary took out of the oven a pan of kolache stuffed with apricots, examined them anxiously to see whether they had got too dry, put
某公司又在廉价了,去买了二两好茶叶,每两洋二角。开首泡了一壶,怕它冷得快,用棉袄包起来,却不料郑重其事的来喝的时候,味道竟和我一向喝着的粗茶差不多,颜色也很重浊。 Tea prices were marked down as usual in a brand tea shop at this time of year, and I bought nearly four ounces of its
Huntress这部小说的作者想象力非常丰富,她运用的比喻大多十分特别,令人感觉耳目一新。对于学习英语的人来说,这些比喻可以成为很好的活教材。比如,前文说到,Jordan在感恩节这天和继母发生了冲突,过节的气氛荡然无存,餐桌上银光闪闪的餐具和专门为感恩节准备的南瓜,看上去都暗淡无光。下面这段文字生动地描写了当时的情景。 Jordan looked at her father numbly. He
一、“事实自证”规则的起源 “事实自证”规则(res ipsa loquitur1)起源于19世纪英国Byrne v. Boadle(1863年)一案。在该案中,原告Byrne经过面包店时被楼上掉下的面包桶砸伤。面包桶是被告Boadle面包店的物品,掉下来的原因不明。原告提起诉讼,指控被告的过失责任。 该案大法官波洛克(Pollock)认为:任何人在自己的仓库中存放木桶时,都有责任确保木桶不
With over a thousand emoji pictures to represent our words, let’s take a closer look at this fast-growing language. According to Professor Vyv Evans of Bangor University, Emoji is the UK’s fastest-gr
There is graffiti in almost every city in the world. Read this article to learn more about Britain’s most famous graffiti artist. Where do you expect to see graf-fiti? Probably not in a museum. Brist