Orioles sing for miles amid red blooms and green trees; By hills and rills wine shop streamers wave in the breeze. Four hundred eighty splendid temples still remain Of Southern Dynasties in the mis
During the Northern Song Dynasty, there lived an 1)accomplishedarcher. As he was doing his daily practice one day, a big crowd gatheredaround him, and cheered each time he hit his target. This made hi
“怒发冲冠”,出自西汉司马迁《史记·廉颇蔺相如列传》:“相如因持璧却立, 倚柱, 怒发上冲冠。”指因盛怒而头发竖起,把帽子都顶起来了,形容愤怒到极点。 In the Warring States Period, the King of the Stateof Zhao got a beautiful and rare 1)jade from someone.After the King of t
说起广受欢迎的街边小吃,大家肯定不会落下家喻户晓的煎饼。如今煎饼的品种五花八门,但要说让人念念不忘的还是那款原汁原味的鸡蛋煎饼。煎饼因其口感丰富、价格合理、便于携带,被认为是中国最地道的方便食品之一。 One of the most belovedstreet foods in China i sjianbing, which has wonthe hearts of both localsan
随着环境问题日益严重,环保意识与行为成为人们的焦点。为了更好地改善我们与自然界的关系,环保意识得到前所未有的增强。在这个背景下,各种环保活动如生态足迹测评、植树、为地球献出一小时等逐渐崭露头角,引领着人们迈向更加可持续的生活方式。 生态足迹测评不仅使人们更加清晰地认识到自身对环境的影响,也为个体和组织提供了改善和调整的方向。人们通过广泛地参与植树,不仅在实际行动中贡献了自己的一分力量,也加深了对
什么是生态足迹?你的生态足迹是多少呢? 阅读文章后你可以进入https://www.footprintcalculator.org/home/en 进行测试。 Humans need food, shelterand heating (in some locations)to survive. Our planet’s ecologicalresources help fulfill thes
2007 年,那时菲利克斯·芬克拜纳年仅9 岁,他在一堂关于气候危机的课上发表了一场演讲,建议同学们在全球每个国家种植一百万棵树,如今这个目标成了“为地球种下一万亿棵树”。 “Planting a tree is easy, but bringing back a forest is hard.” Those are the words of Felix Finkbeiner, who at
对于“地球一小时”,世界自然基金会(WWF)呼吁每个人通过花一小时做一些对地球有益的事情,将每个单一的地球一小时转变为成千上万小时的积极行动。在2024年“地球一小时”活动到来之际,快来试试这个挑战吧! 1. Read a story about nature. 2. Find one person to share your favourite book about nature with.
李清照,中国南宋时期著名女词人,以清丽绝俗的词作和悲凉感伤的题材而著称,被誉为“千古第一才女”。让我们一起走进这位文学巨匠的生平和诗文,感受她文字所带来的情感共鸣。 Li Qingzhao(1084–about 1155) was a great woman writer secondto none in the history of Chinese literature and a famou
科隆博格城堡,中世纪防御工事与文艺复兴华丽融合的宫殿,是丹麦丰富历史的标志性见证。 它巍峨雄伟,气象森严,是丹麦最负盛名的宫廷建筑之一,也是丹麦人民重要的民族象征。让我们阅读本文,一同细细品味这座承载着王室辉煌与文化的宫殿的深厚底蕴吧! Located on a strategically important site commanding the Sund,the stretch of wat
这部纪录片的语速非常慢,很适合同步跟读与模仿。台词中含有大量的从句,对同学们的写作有很大的帮助。与此同时,欣赏大自然中的虫鸣鸟叫与树叶沙沙声,也能为大家的学习增添美感。在这一期,小编节选了北极圈与赤道的不同生态风景的片段,带大家领略冰雪世界与热带雨林的极致反差。 这部名为《绿色星球》(The Green Planet)的纪录片由被誉为“世界自然纪录片之父”的大卫·爱登堡爵士担任配音解说,由英国广
Archaeology is a long and difficult word. How do you say it? ar – kee – ol – o – gy Where does this word come from? From Greek. It’s two words together, “ancient”, meaning very old, and“history”. W
在农场中,时间一天天过去,威尔伯的日常生活也变得悠闲而惬意。然而,老羊的突然拜访,却让威尔伯和他的伙伴芬震惊不已,同时也让威尔伯陷入了恐惧和绝望之中。 As the days went by, Wilbur grewand grew. He ate three big meals a day.He spent long hours lying on his side, halfasleep, d
1 The longest-living freshwater fish 最长寿淡水鱼 Scientists recently confirmed that the majority of thebuffalo fish swimming around this remote desert lake ineastern Arizona are older than a hundred. Th
主题概述: 黑龙江,这片位于中国东北的神奇土地,是中国位置最北、纬度最高的省份,以其丰富的文化、历史底蕴而令人瞩目。二人转是黑龙江文化中的明珠,通过幽默风趣的表演风格,展现深厚的历史底蕴。“铁人”王进喜是这片土地上的骄傲,展现了石油工人在艰难岁月中的顽强拼搏和不屈精神。鄂伦春族作为多民族文化的一部分,通过与自然和谐相处的传统,为黑龙江文化增色不少。冰雪大世界犹如一座仙境城堡,吸引着游客感受冬季奇
Song-and-Dance Duet is a popular art form in Northeast China.It used to be called Xiao Yangko( 小秧歌) or Bengbeng( 蹦蹦). With a history of 300 years, Song-and-Dance Duet was mainly derived fromthe North
The iron man spirit was born in thePetroleum Campaign( 石油会战) in Daqingin the early 1960s, which can be summarized as“patriotism, entrepreneurship, truth-seeking anddedication”. “Iron Man” Wang Jinxi
“Can you sing it again?”An Oroqen( 鄂伦春) youngman said excitedly to alittle girl. “There is a bigforest in the high Xing’anMountains; in the forestlives the brave Oroqen...”The little girl’s beautifuls
Welcome to Ice and Snow World! I’myour tour guide. My name is Harbin. Buteveryone calls me Erbin now. I would liketo introduce the world’s largest snow and icetheme park—Harbin Ice and Snow World. Ha
Are there black pears in the world? Have theygone bad? No, no, no, they are special fruit in NortheastChina—frozen pears. After November, the temperature in NortheastChina will drop to zero degree or
语法填空题分为有提示词和无提示词两种。有提示词主要考查名词、动词、形容词、副词、代词、数词,无提示词主要考查介词、连词(并列连词和从属连词)、冠词。 此类题型的解题技巧: (1)考点分布一般比较均匀,除动词外,原则上考点不重复。(一般分配:名词+2 个动词+ 形容词+ 副词+ 冠词+介词+ 连词+ 连接词+ 代词) (2)有提示词的词性均需要变形,且变形方向是固定的。因此,想不出答案时可以根
( 一) Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland is a novel that1._________ (publish) in 1865 by Lewis Carroll. The book presentsthe adventures of a little girl 2._________has fallen down a rabbithole to a fant