One night’s east wind adorns a thousand trees with flowers And blows down stars in showers. Fine steeds and carved cabs spread fragrance en route; Music vibrates from the flute; The moon sheds its
“ 邯郸学步” 出自《庄子· 秋水》: “ 且子独不闻夫寿陵余子之学行于邯郸与? 未得国能, 又失其故行矣, 直匍匐而归耳。” 后用以比喻模仿别人不成, 反而丧失了原有的技能。 During the Warring States Period, a young man lived in Shouling, theState of Yan. He always felt that he was n
“太公钓鱼,愿者上钩”是民间传说,记载于《武王伐纣平话》,后用于比喻甘心上当或自愿去做某事。 Jiang Ziya often went fishing at the Weishui River about 3,000 years ago.But he fished in an unusual way. He hung a straight fish hook, without 1)bait,a
人们总调侃说:“没有什么事情是一顿火锅解决不了的,如果有,那就两顿。”这句话饱含着人们对火锅的喜爱。那么, 你知道我们为什么喜欢吃火锅,又是怎么吃火锅的吗? We Chinese take our food very seriously. And today the most commongreeting for friends and family is still “Have you eat
2023 年12 月22 日, 第78 届联合国大会协商一致通过决议,将春节(农历新年)确定为联合国假日。春节是中国文化中最古老、最重要的传统节日,现在,春节不仅是中国人的节日,也是世界人民的节日。 The 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly1)unanimously passed a resolution, officiall
新年(春节)是中国最重要的传统节日之一。这个节日有着丰富多彩的习俗和传统,让我们一起来了解一下吧! As Chinese New Year approaches, aseries of customs and traditions, rich incultural heritage, mark this festive season.These customs not only 1)deepen
元宵节,是一个充满欢乐与智慧的节日,已经走过了两千多年的历史长河。它不仅仅是一个简单的传统节日,更是中华民族团结、和谐和创造力的象征。 The Lantern Festival, also known as Yuanxiao Festival, falls on the15th day of the first month in the Chinese lunar calendar, marki
她是吉尼斯世界纪录中最畅销的推理小说家,她是举世公认的侦探小说女王,她被《纽约时报》称为“神秘的第一夫人”,法国总统戴高乐、英国玛丽王后、中国著名武侠小说家金庸等都是她的粉丝。她,正是国内侦探推理小说迷心中的“阿婆”——阿加莎·克里斯蒂。 Agatha Christie was born in Devon, England in 1890. When shewas very young, her
萨米人,亦称“拉普人”,是北欧民族之一。拉普人区域位于瑞典,是世界上最大的未受破坏的自然区域,也是世界上最大的基于季节性迁移放牧的古代生活方式区域。1996 年,拉普人区域作为世界文化与自然双重遗产被列入《世界遗产名录》。让我们踏上探索之旅,一同探寻这个北方仙境的自然和人文之美。 Welcome to the enchanting worldof the Laponian Area, a mag
这是一部非常经典的纪录片,上期我们了解了三种热带动物,本期我们将走近另外三种动物,了解它们在雨林和湿地中生存的故事。 剧情概要 《地球脉动第三季》呈现了地球上的壮丽美景和奇特地貌,以绝美的画面展示了大自然的宏伟景象,从微妙细腻的小生物到壮丽的自然奇观。这部纪录片记录了无数生物在各自的栖息地中生活,适应着严酷的自然环境,顽强地追逐着新的一天到来的故事。全片以充满美感和温暖的基调呈现,让人感受到对
Anthropology is the study of different societies in the present and past.This includes the things people do, how they talk about their feelings, andwhat they think is important. It is also about how a
在朱克曼家的谷仓里,这是威尔伯与夏洛的第一次友好交流。这段对话揭示了两个不同物种之间可能发展出深厚友谊的种子,为这个经典故事的展开奠定了基础。 1 )Salutations aregreetings,” said the voice.“When I say ‘salutations’, it’s justmy fancy way of saying hello or goodmorning. A
每到冬天,大家最期待的就是下雪,在漫天白雪中嬉戏玩耍。但是1773 年的冬天,彼得堡舞会大厅里飘来漫天飞舞的雪花。人们不禁发问,雪不都是从天空中降落下来的吗?室内哪来的雪花呢?后来,科学家们解开了这个谜团,感兴趣的朋友快来读读这篇文章吧。 In the winter of 1773, a newspaper in Petersburg, Russia, reportedan interestin
1 Exhibition-watching socialization 看展式社交 During the holidays, many young Chineseare eager to invite their friends to visit museumexhibitions and appreciate the charm of traditionalculture. “Exhibi
“The gate has a story. The gate has a history...” I am growing up with the nursery rhyme( 歌谣). It is about Chaotianmen, a famous landmark in Chongqing. Chaotianmen was built in 314 BC when the Qin ge
Which tourist site in Chongqing is the mostwell-known to a tourist? Which building is the mostromantic with ancient architecture? Which buildingis like a palace shining beautifully at night? It mustbe
If one day you come to Wulong, Chongqing, you can’t miss the great sight andenjoy the powerful song—Chuanjiang Boatmen’s Song, one of the national intangiblecultural heritage. It is a traditional folk
Do you know Chongqing hot pot? As a local in Chongqing,I am happy to enjoy a hot pot with my family or friends fromtime to time. Today, let me introduce this popular dish to you. The origins( 起源) of
My hometown Danjiang is a small but beautiful county in the northeastof Chongqing. It is famous for a traditional Chinese dessert—DianjiangStone-Milled Bean Curd, also known as Dianjiang Douhua, which
中考改错题分为单句改错题和短文改错题两种类型。改错题是全面考查英语综合运用能力的一种题型。 一、单句改错题的解题思路 1. 单词拼写错误题 解答这类题目的关键是记住单词的拼写、名词单复数的变化、动词时态的形式、形容词和副词的形式、数词和序数词的相互转换规则等。 例1:They are also going to see some intresting places in New York.
单句改错一 1. Mr. Black went to work more earlier than usual that morning. 2. My brother has bought this car for 8 months. 3. The moon was not enough big for both of us to live in. 4. I want to know wh